Welcome to Policebackground.net
Our seasoned police background investigators have decades of experience with one of the largest background units in the country. We are ready to counsel and prepare you to enter the police application process and put you in the best position to pass your background investigation and oral interview.
Serving the U.S. & Canada

The Process
Our background investigators will walk you through the complicated and arduous background process. We have 3 tiers of service that will put you way ahead of the competition in the following areas:
Assisting you in completing the online or paper application.
Conducting an in-depth review of your PHS/PHF application.
Advising you about the areas the background investigators red flag.
Giving you expert advice on how to submit a detailed and professional application.
We'll prepare you for the stressful Meet & Greet Interview.
In short, we show you how NOT to get disqualified.
…and much, much more!
Check out our Services page to find out to get started.